Ignitor Leadership Infusion

Today’s business world is increasingly turbulent and dynamic, bringing fast-emerging opportunities and threats. This environment rewards agile, strategically directed organizations, and punishes the slow and the unfocused.

Rick is an experienced management consultant who specializes in helping executive teams and boards to reach clear strategic decisions, build enthusiastic support for them, and accelerate implementation to get from “plan” to “payoff” as quickly as possible.

Since 1987 Rick has helped more than 115 client organizations on more than 600 assignments. Many of his clients say his work with them was a major turning point in the lives of their organizations. That is the kind of impact Rick loves to create.

All Ricks clients face strategic decisions that will shape their future. Whether you’re planning the next move in a chain of successes, grappling with organizational effectiveness, or fighting for survival, Rick can help you to maximize your return on strategic planning. Isn't it time your organization became agile and strategically directed?

Specialties: Rick helps leaders of strategic change accelerate and multiply strategic payoff.

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