Ignitor Leadership Infusion

Skills Assessment tools that can give you a greater understanding of yourself and others

Personal Assessment Sessions - | DiSC, StrengthsFinder, Leadership Styles or Myers Briggs

The foundation for any professional change is awareness and willingness. There are a number of great tools in the marketplace that help with awareness especially when partnered with expertise that helps you get the most out of the assessment.

Personal Assessment Sessions

The assessment tools we are proponents of include DiSC, StrengthsFinder, Leadership Styles, and Myers Briggs, but all for different reasons. If you are considering an assessment tool of any kind, feel free to rely on our professional advice as to which tool would best fit your group.

For some organizations we work with, they are supplemental support for a more specific topic such as conflict, communication or coaching while for others the self awareness tool that these assessments provide is the session itself.

In either scenario, the session is a pursuit of self awareness often highlighting your current strengths and opportunities for growth while at the same time giving you greater understanding as to how those fit with your fellow teammates. It is in this greater understanding of each other that heightened team dynamics occurs.